DENTAC Fort Eustis Unit Crest

DENTAC Fort Eustis Unit Crest are sold one pair per pack.
Price: $21.00
DENTAC Fort Eustis Unit Crest
DENTAC Fort Eustis Unit Crest
Product Details
DENTAC Fort Eustis Unit Crest are sold one pair per pack.

A silver color metal and enamel device 1 3/16 inches (3.02cm) in height overall consisting of a maroon cross with an embattlement a top its vertical arm and nine silver squares across its lateral arm, divided alternately four above and five below with corners conjoined, the cross interlaced by a silver annulet passing in front of the vertical arms and inscribed "GUARDIANS OF" on the upper portion and "ORAL HEALTH" on the lower in maroon; all open areas within the annulet green.

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